Although most people prefer to wear and use their Luxury items in their day to day life it is also quite common that they are used as decoration at home.
Our home says so much about us. If you love luxury brands, why not use them as decoration in the living room? Are you letting your one of a kind items collect dust in the closet where no one gets to enjoy them while you are not using them?
We are going to go over a few fun and practival ways to brighten your home with beautiful quality luxury items. Some items you might own before, others might be worth the investment.
Travel cases!
Yes, travel cases. No matter if it's the classic old travel cases, that are no longer practical for travel, or the ones that you currently grab with you for your summer flights - then these bags are perfect to brighten up your living room. You might have seen this before. Old bags, that are possibly even unusable today being used as nightstands or sofa tables. The bags are either stacked up, placed inside tables or new legs created for them. Then it's also common to protect the bag with a class plate.
Do you own an old travel case? See if it can't still brighten up your home and life! We currently have two old Louis Vuitton travel cases that could be used for similar setups. See them here.
Scarfs and veils
Scarfs and veils can be styled and used for decoration. Often people have many of them and some are even never used. The print and pattern in the old veils tell their own stories and some are a total work of art. That's why they are perfect to be placed in frames and let them enjoy themselves properly!
This gives your home more color and is an unconventional by beautiful option instead of the classic paintings. At Attikk we have a great selection of veils in all sizes and the colors of the rainbow. See them all here.
Boxes and bags
Some of us are more clever and keep all the packaging that comes with their luxury items. But what happens to them? Most are just in storage collecting dust.
Have you thought of using your Gucci bag for your flower pot? This is a great and fun way to use the bags and boxes that your luxury item came in.
Then you can also do the same with the bags as you would with your veils. Flatten them out or cut out (if you dare) and then frame them. This is particularly clever no matter if it's a limited edition release or the classic.
By doing this you can in fact use all the items that your luxury item includes. Attikk sells a lot of luxury items that include their extras like the box and/or bag and with these tips and tricks you can use these extras do decorate your home.
* Attikk does not guarantee that the items in these photos are authentic.