Frequently asked questions
  • General - How do I know that the product I'm purchasing is Authentic?
    All products that are sold at Attikk are authenticated. The authentication is performed by specialists in each brand. A product that does not qualify the authentication does not go on sale at Attikk! You can also choose to purchase a Certificate of authenticity that is published by the specialist that authenticated the product.
  • General - What payment options are available?
    On our web we accept debit cards(visa electron, maestro), credit cards(VISA, MasterCard), gift card(YAY and Attikk), store credit, Netgíró and Síminn Pay. In store at Laugavegur 90 you can pay with all of the previously mentioned options as well as cash payments in ISK, USD, GBP and EUR.
  • General - Can my purchase be shipped to me?
    Yes, you can order a delivery of your purchase all over the world. Purchases made before 11 am on a week day are shipped the same day.
  • General - Can I return a product I bought from Attikk?
    Products are sold on consignment and unfortunately it's not possible to return a product bought at Attikk. The item is sold in the condition registered to it and it's not possible to return. See more in Attikk terms. You can of course bring the product back to us and sell it yourself on consignment through Attikk.
  • Seller - I have a certificate of authenticity. Will the product still need to be authenticated.
    Yes, the product will still need to go through authentication at Attikk.
  • Seller - How much are the fees that Attikk takes for selling my product?
    In the most comment model(C) Attikk takes 10-50% commission based on the sale price of the product. Based on the model you pick Attikks' commission is 10%-70%. Read more on Models and Fees here
  • Seller - What brands does Attikk accept for consignment?
    Attikk accepts Luxury designer brands. If you see the brand here on our web it's likely that we'll accept it. But you can of course always contact us at or by sending us a message on our social media Instagram/Facebook. Attikk does not accept ruined items for consignment. Also take care that your item is clean and prefarably ironed if applicable.
  • Seller - How is my item price evaluated?
    We'll of course listen to what you beleave your item is worth. Our employees use the assistance of specialists and current market values to evaluate the current resale price for your item. It's condition is highly influential in that decision. Final price is decided by you!
  • Seller - When do I get paid?
    If you chose model A it can take up to 4 week days to get paid with bank transfer. If you chose model B the store credit will be sent to you the same day. For model C it can take up to 10 week days for the bank transfer to take place from the date your item sold.